Current Events Why Does Scarlett Johansson Suing Disney Over Black Widow Matter to Disabled People? Scarlett Johansson's lawsuit over the money she is owed due to Black Widow's release on Disney+ has implications beyond her own personal paycheck, especially for those who rely on streaming movies for accessibility.
History COVID19 and the Great Plague of London The many ways the response to COVID19 resembles the response to the Great Plague of London in 1665.
Current Events How Companies Exploit Minimum Wage Workers One of the many calculated ways companies demand more work from minimum wage employees while paying them less to do it.
Current Events What It's Actually Like to Use Food Stamps Busting the myth that people on food stamps buy nothing but luxury items.
Current Events On Boycotting JK Rowling Why donating to transgender charities doesn't offset the damage of spending money on anything with JK Rowling's name on it.